Prestigious Residential Care Services ltd

Child Protection and Mental Wellbeing

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#1 Supported Accommodations in the UK

We do everything possible to ensure young people are safe, listened to, respected, and involved in both the development of the service and decisions about the settings. We empower young people to speak out about safety concerns, develop healthy relationships, and understand what constitutes abuse. Here, we maintain a safeguarding culture, training staff to identify and report concerns. Young people in our accommodation have access to independent advocates, helplines like Childline, and private websites for support. Our staff are trained to recognise signs of exploitative relationships support young people in dangerous relationships and provide guidance to our young people on healthy relationships and on staying safe. We have clear whistleblower procedures and ensure allegations are addressed promptly, following our child protection policy and local authority protocols. At Prestigious Residential Care Services Limited, the safety and well-being of young people are our top priority.